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The A.C.T. Multi-Level Certificate Course

Earn your Professional On-Camera Acting Certificate! The A.C.T. Course is the closest thing you can experience to actually being in a professional on-camera acting studio...virtually! A.C.T. takes an in-depth and comprehensive approach to on-camera acting that goes far beyond typical distance learning courses. Whether you're just starting out or you're already a working actor, The A.C.T. Course will equip you with the essential skills you need to work on-camera.


Learn Professional On-Camera Acting From an INDUSTRY EXPERT!

 Professionally Produced Videos

 Active Demonstrations

 Interactive Illustrated Workbook

 Weekly Artistic Creative Assignments

 Live One-on-One Performance Evaluations with Professional CBSI Acting Coaches



Listening to this 15-Minute Acting Crash Course from Coach Banks can save you years of lost time and thousands of wasted $$$$!

Sign up for FREE to gain access to this Exclusive Message from Coach Clay Banks and download the Line-Lifting Handout.

"As a developing actor you're not just learning how to be human... you're learning to become super-human!"

~ Coach Clay Banks

Coach Clay Banks is an entertainment industry, on-camera image/ communications specialist! He’s a veteran acting coach and filmmaker with over three decades of experience in front of as well as behind the camera. As a long-standing member of the media artist union, SAG-AFTRA, Clay writes articles for Backstage magazine as a Field Expert, teaches acting and audition courses at the esteemed American Academy of Dramatic Arts (AADA), and conducts new member seminars/workshops at SAG-AFTRA headquarters in Hollywood. 

Coach Banks created LA’s Annual 1Minute Monologue Micro Film Festival and is the Founder and Head Coach of Clay Banks Studio International (CBSI), one of LA's more highly respected on-camera acting studios and production companies. To date, Coach Banks has trained thousands of aspiring and working actors from around the world. He has hundreds of alumni and has helped two actors win their EMMY AWARDS. CBSI is a high-class studio with an outstanding reputation for producing skilled and disciplined actors. Learn more about CBSI, Coach Banks and his Team by going to the CBSI Website

  • Learn Your Art

    Learning the art, theory, and mechanics of controlling your instrument (you), for the camera, is essential. Coach Banks will personally guide you through this detailed and highly creative process to encourage the growth and development of your creative artist.

  • Develop Your Craft

    You'll be provided with the tools you need to create interest on camera, develop energy and improve focus in your scene work. You'll gain an understanding of super-effective script analysis, (breaking down a script) and the key core elements of storytelling.

  • Sharpen Your Technicalities

    You'll be taught the proper technicalities of line-lifting, the mechanics of how to handle unmemorized copy to help prepare you for cold reads and auditions. You’ll also discover how to develop character type(s) and understand the different levels of character building.

Success Stories

“Wow, Coach! I don’t know what to say!! It all seems too good to be true. I send you beautiful, positive energy…”

–Jade Harlow (Emmy Award Winner)

“Since I began working with Coach Banks, my work has gone to the next level. Clay helped me to 'let go' and get out of my analytical mind which freed me to TRUST! I appreciate Coach Banks for all that he has done for me in my acting journey. Thank you Clay!”

–Jenn Gotzen (Award Winning Actress)

“Since studying with Coach Banks, I have watched my bookings soar! I’ve booked roles in The Green Lantern, Drive, The Avengers, The Gangster Squad, and shows like JJ Abram’s new TV show airing on NBC… all since working with Coach Banks. You go to the gym for physical fitness ­­-- you take classes for acting fitness. Train properly with the best! Under Coach Banks’ watchful eye!”

–Jeff Wolfe (Emmy Award Winner)

“Thank you so much Coach! I really got so much out of today's class! It was amazing… empowering… it was insane!! I now walk around with my eyes "open"! The sensory work was mind-blowing! I’m so much more alive!!”

–Celine Rosalie

“Since coming to CBSI, without any acting experience or training, I’ve been able to secure representation, book movie roles and I even landed the lead in a play -- in such a short amount of time! But more importantly, through CBSI, I’ve gained an invaluable confidence and perspective that’s ignited the fire to live the life of a true artist!”

–Eli Santana

“Just the fact of how much you give of yourself and your light is inspiring -- it speaks of your heart and dedication to your students. Thank you!”

–Linda Michaels

“CBSI truly shines through Coach Clay Banks himself. CBSI is a safe space where I can both become a better Actor and Human. After being a student for 2 years now, I leave each session experiencing consistent growth because I am pushed passed my limits. The training is REAL! With everything I do in my life, I never want anyone to NOT tell me the truth or give me things just to get by for my feeling's sake. Coach gives it to you real and straight up with grace, making you leave with greater inspiration and encouragement to be your best, authentic self. Acting isn't for everyone, but Coach knows very well how to break it down for ALL minds of ALL ages to understand, and to be ONE with this Craft. Coach Clay Banks gives his all, so that we can give our all! ”

–Gerald Castle

“Thank you Coach. Everything you've taught me is slowly stabilizing into my foundation. I feel strong and excited every time I enter the room. Now it's more like...."me, me, me, I wanna play!" :) You give me the confidence to create moments. Looking forward to setting up a callback private with you!”

–Danielle Argyros

“Coach Banks’ profound insights on work done in his Master Class have propelled me to hugely increased sensitivity to the craft of acting as well as increase my booking ratio. Coach Banks has helped me to lose the fear that was impeding my ability to audition well. I now walk in the casting room with powerful confidence!”

–Gloria Laino

“Clay Banks has been my coach for over 7 years now. He took me from a fresh-faced actor who had no clue what I was doing on camera and turned me into a craftsman of the art of film acting. He has instilled in me a process that allows me to respect the screenwriter’s work while understanding what performance elements directors are looking for at a professional level. You’re a hidden gem coach. And, now through A.C.T., the world will have a shot to work with you too!”

–Jack Stuart

“This past year, I was fortunate to be Taft Hartleyed and also landed a commercial agent, Lewis and Beal. Really looking forward to growing even more as an actor and creative being. Thank you CBSI!”

–Noel Kachaturian

“Using the skills I’ve learned while studying at CBSI has given me the ability to work on camera. I've landed agents, casting directors and ultimately, now work as an actor! I’m actually in Canada as we speak shooting a recurring role on an AMC show! Coach Banks coached me straight from the audition, to shooting on-set! Thanks Coach!”

–Joe Abraham

“I just recently got off set from shooting "Hell on Wheels." The camera was right up in my face in ECU shots and I want to thank you Coach for preparing me to handle those moments. Coach Banks helped me with the audition all the way through the booking and after that it was in God's hands -- along with everything I learned at CBSI. Thanks Again!”

–Collin Sutton

“I can honestly say that for the first time EVER I've been able to actually apply the training of an acting coach with marked results! I've worked with Clay in person, online in one-on-one sessions, and through the A.C.T. Program. Before taking the A.C.T. Course I wasn’t sure there was much more for me to learn from Coach, but BOY WAS I WRONG! This online acting program will actually shape and change you as an actor! If you’re serious about your acting in any capacity, this course will bring you the results you’re looking for!”

–Sammi Gullman

“I've been learning the craft with CBSI under Coach Banks and absorbing every shred of information he's given me. I went from living out of my car to booking THREE NATIONAL COMMERCIALS in the span of one month. This man literally changed my life and I owe him all the credit! You wanna work, go to CBSI. You don't have the money? Take what money you do have and invest in yourself at CBSI. I did, now I don't have to worry about $$$; which is the first time I can say that in twenty-seven years.”

–Laith Wallschleger

“There are so many acting methods and techniques which can seem quite a lot to take on when trying to put them into practice. However, Coach Banks helps you understand these methods by encouraging you to explore and find your own process. I have grown and developed so much as an aspiring actor from taking this course, I cannot recommend it enough! I have thoroughly enjoyed learning from Coach Banks! Coach, helps you not only to come on heaps and bounds with your acting abilities but inspires and helps you to grow as a person. Coach Instills more than just acting skill sets, but he shows you a better way of life. ”

–Amelia Smith

“Coach is my go-to guy before every audition. In a short amount of time working with him he has helped me book numerous roles for HBO, The CW, Columbia Pictures, and others! I cannot thank him enough!”

–Tim Misuradze

Purchase Options

Enroll in the A.C.T. Course Today!

"12 Professionally Produced Comprehensive Training Videos"   

Including: collegiate lecture content by academic instructor and film industry master acting coach, Clay Banks.

Extensive Interactive Illustrated Workbook

Lesson Assessments

5 Demonstrations from Working Hollywood Actors

*3 Virtual Coaching Sessions

*For additional purchase - see options at checkout.

Final Virtual Performance Evaluation

On-Camera Acting Certificate Issued upon Completion

Access to the CBSI Worldwide Acting Community



















3 Months of Training

12-Week Certificate Course

Course Price:


Scholarship Price:



Limited time relief offer


* Package prices are special COVID-19 discount rates. These prices will only be available during our time of sequestering.

Packages and Payment Plans

A.C.T. Premier Certificate

 12 Comprehensive Video Sessions

 Extensive Interactive Illustrated Workbook

 Lesson Assignments

 Private One on One Virtual Coaching*

 Private One on One Virtual Final Performance Assessment

 Certificate Upon Completion

* For additional purchase, present rates apply.

Scholarships Awarded

To Standout Applicants

A Look Inside The Workbook

"One of the biggest mistakes an actor can make is trying to ‘make it’ in the entertainment industry without proper training."

~ Coach Clay Banks

The art is essential, no doubt. However, there are more actors chasing auditions with the intention of "getting hired" then actually presenting "quality work." The A.C.T. course has been specifically engineered to be effective in laying down a strong and comprehensive foundation for you to learn the proper mechanics of industry-standard acting.

Curriculum Content

12 Sessions Broken Down into 4 Modules

Module 1 (Sessions 1-3)

You'll learn how to develop Interest on camera & gain creative control of your instrument.

Discover the 5 building blocks of acting and how they work together to make you more interesting.

Module 2 (Sessions 4-6)

You'll understand the essence of scene work and what it takes to be laser-focused -- technicalities that will help you your entire career.

Learn how to break down a script effectively for any audition or performance.

Module 3 (Sessions 7-9)

You'll be provided with the skills necessary for creative storytelling --   intentional understanding that will support you for the rest of your career.

Understand an all too common pitfall called ‘The Grey Zone’ or better yet “The Death Zone” and how to avoid it.

Module 4 (Sessions 10-12)

You'll grow in an increase in awareness of which character is "your type" and how to correctly select scenes and monologues that fit you perfectly.

Realize the most common mistakes actors make and how to avoid them.

Student Bookings

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If you don't do it... you'll never know what would have happened if you had done it.

A.C.T. Today!